Adopt A Memory

Aubrey Ahlman

YWCA Idaho

Event Date/Time:

  1. Monday, April 19, 2021
    8:00am — 10:00pm

See other events in Idaho »

This year, the YWCA of Lewiston-Clarkston, for this year’s Stand Against Racism (SAR), is sponsoring “Adopt a Memory” from April 19th through April 25.
You may register by emailing a request to, or by sending a message via FB Messenger to the YWCA.
Once requested, an email containing information on your adopted memory will be sent to you.
By “Adopting a Memory” of a victim of racial injustice, you agree to share the story as much as possible during SAR, and beyond that week if you would like.
This will honor and keep their memory alive; remembering the many reasons we Stand Against Racism!
Feel free to adopt more than one memory, if you choose…

Additionally on April 22, we will be sharing via Facebook a pre-recorded interview regarding racial injustice within the healthcare system.

For More Information Contact

Aubrey Ahlman